This Recommendations Brief summarizes the outcomes from a 16-month scoping process undertaken by Cowichan Tribes and the Province of BC (FLNRORD) to: develop consensus decisions regarding planning in the Xwulqw’selu – Koksilah Watershed; and, scope a long-term agreement with respect to ongoing collaborative management and governance of the Watershed. It is being provided to Cowichan […]
Governance Manual Version 3
The Cowichan Watershed Board draws its strength from its foundational governance model, with Cowichan Tribes and Cowichan Valley Regional District (CVRD) participating as equal partners and Co-Chairs steering the Board. Their partnership to advance whole-of-watershed health is also a deep commitment to moving down the path of reconciliation. The Cowichan watershed – a vital sharedresource […]
CWB Business Plan Update 2019
This business plan was developed to provide direction and guidance to Cowichan Watershed Board (CWB) members and staff in terms of identifying priorities, providing strategic direction over the short and long term, identifying the resources required to do the work and evaluating progress. It includes a five year strategic plan clearly identifying priorities, an annual […]
CWB Business Plan Update 2020
This annually updated plan is intended to provide direction and guidance to the Cowichan Watershed Board (CWB)’s members and staff, and to inform our partners. It identifies goals and milestones for the next five years, includes a budget forecast, and lays out the key areas of focus and specific activities of the work plan for […]
CWB 2018 Annual Report – Final
Welcome to our first ever Annual Report. 2018 marks the eighth year of the Cowichan Watershed Board (CWB) and in many ways it was a year ofmaturing as an organization. The CWB was formed in 2010 as a means to cope with a crisis in our communities where salmon could only reach their spawning grounds […]