Hello and thank you for exploring ways that you might choose to engage your classroom(s) in discussions and/or activities to promote water conservation!
The Cowichan Valley has experienced severe droughts in many recent years, resulting in residents, industry, First Nations, local government, stewardship groups and others coming together to get serious about using our water more wisely. In July 2014, “Water Woman” magically appeared to help!
The following resources have been compiled by two new teachers, living and working in the Cowichan Valley, B.C. These teachers have volunteered their time to create these classroom guides to accompany the seven water-conservation videos recently produced by the Cowichan Watershed Board.
Each fun “Water Woman” video is about two minutes long, and feature a BC youth acting as the super-hero “Water Woman”, alongside her villainous water-wasting cousin, “Leak E Hoser”.
During each day of B.C. Drinking Water Week (May 1st-7th, 2016), you are encouraged to share 1-2 of these videos with your class, then use the activity guide to engage your students in thinking more deeply about the value of water. However, you are also invited to use these videos and suggested activities anytime of the year because cultivating an awareness and appreciation for water conservation will create positive impacts for generations upon generations!
We hope you enjoy this collection of videos and resources on water conservation!
Nathalie Boulanger, B.Ed., Teacher in the Cowichan School District (S.D.79)
Amanda Reimer, B. Ed., Teacher in the Cowichan School District (S.D. 79)
Contact the Cowichan Watershed Board at www.cowichanwatershedboard.ca or info@cowichanwatershedboard.ca
Follow Water Woman on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/CowichanWaterChallenge
Developed byÔÇï:ÔÇï Nathalie Boulanger & Amanda Reimer for the Cowichan Watershed Board
Suggested Date:ÔÇï Drinking Water Week (May 1-7, 2016)
Featuring: ÔÇïWater Woman Videos by Cowichan Watershed Board and Pixel House Productions
Introduction: Water Woman Origin Story Lesson Plan
Day 1: Water Woman Episode 1 – Nine Litres Not Well Spent Lesson Plan
Day 2: Water Woman Episode 2 – Two Socks Do Not Make a Load Lesson Plan
Day 3: Water Woman Episode 3 – The Longest Shower Lesson Plan
Day 4: Water Woman Episode 4 – The Invisible Leaker Lesson Plan
Day 5: Water Woman Episode 5 – Less Work, More Chilling Lesson Plan