The Cowichan Watershed Board is co-Chaired by its founding partners, Cowichan Tribes, represented by the Elected Chief, and the Cowichan Valley Regional District, represented by the CVRD Chair. The other Board members are drawn from these and other governments, and from people with special expertise about the watershed. All members are appointed by the Co-chairs, guided by the seat allocation below. See the CWB Governance Manual (link below) for more detail.
Current Board Members:
- Appointed by Cowichan Tribes
- Co-Chair Chief Cindy Daniels - Sulsulxumaat, Chief of Cowichan Tribes
- Calvin Swustus Sr - Swutth'tus, Cowichan Tribes Councillor
- Christopher Alphonse, Cowichan Tribes Councillor
- Appointed by CVRD
- Co-Chair Mayor Aaron Stone, Chair of CVRD, Mayor of Ladysmith
- Alison Nicholson, Director for CVRD Area E
- Mayor Michelle Staples, Mayor of Duncan
- Appointed at Large
- The Honourable David Anderson, Former Federal Fisheries Minister, Former Federal Environment Minister
- Tim Kulchyski, Natural Resource Consultant, Cowichan Tribes
- Dr. Shannon Waters, Medical Health Officer for the Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island Health Authority
- Kristine Sandhu, Councillor for Town of Lake Cowichan
- Nominated by Provincial Government (in progress)
- Dr. David Froese, former fisheries biologist, medical doctor
- David Slade, former President of the BC Groundwater Association
- Nominated by Federal Government (in progress)
Advisors and Committees
The CWB coordinates Working Groups that align around the CWB's Targets for Watershed Health. These are tangible but aspirational goals rooted in the objectives of the 2010 Cowichan Basin Water Management Plan. Members of the Working Groups are invited to serve based on their expertise in the target area, and as representatives of the many stewardship organizations actively working towards these collective goals. The Working Group members are listed in the back of the Annual Plan each year (links below).
The Board is also grateful to be supported by Advisor Oliver Brandes, economist, lawyer and Co-Director of the POLIS Project on Ecological Governance (UVic) and Director of the POLIS Water Sustainability Project.
Board meetings are normally the last Monday of every month. The public is welcome to attend all meetings. Check the agenda to see if the meeting is in person or online, and request login links/help if needed. Agendas, minutes, and materials for Board meetings are posted by date here.
Governance Documents
CWB Governance Manual Version 3 - 24 Sep 2018 (2024 update under review by the partners currently)
Pathways and Partnerships: A Framework for Collaboration and Reconciliation in the Cowichan Watershed, September 2018
CWB members and guests learn about X'pey (Cedar) from a Quw'utsun youth. Cowichan River, July 2024. (Photo: Graham Twomey)