CWB Organizational Structure Diagram. Excerpted from the Cowichan Watershed Board Governance Manual Version 4, 2024 (Draft update, pending partner review)
Cowichan Recognition Statement
In March 2018, the CWB unanimously approved incorporating the following statement into the CWB Governance Manual, to acknowledge Cowichan Tribes’ history on the land and inherent rights:
Quw’utsun mustmuhw, ni’ ‘o’ ni’ tthu sht’esulh kws‘i tst ‘u tun’a tumuhw, ‘i ‘o’ hwun st’e. Nilh ‘o’ thu-’it syuw’entst, tun ni’ ‘u kwthu hwun’a mustimuhw‘i wutl’uts’ ’i ‘u tun’a tumuhwtst. Ni’ yuxtse’tum tthu Quw’utsun ‘u tthu-i tumuhw, qa’, kw’atl’kwa tthu ni’ spupin’ ‘u tthu tumuhw, ttho’ mukw’ stem ni’ hakw ni’ ‘u tthu stl’ulnuptst. Kwuthu shtunni’ ’iws tst ni’ yuxtse’tum ‘u ttho’ mukw’ stem ni’ ha’kw kws thuthi’s kws huli-s. O’ nilh tthu Quw’utsun mustumuhw, ni lemuxutunstum ‘u tthu ni’ snuwuntewut ‘u tthu shtunaalhtun, tst. Uwu tumtemus ‘i’ ni’ tst tsmem’t ‘aanlh kws kwun-etewut, hwayum tun’a s’aalh stl’ulnup. Quw’utsun Mustimuhw, ha’kwush tst kw’ stutul’na’mut sxetsul’s kw’ shtuhims tthu stl’ulnuptst. Mukw’ stem ‘o’ slhilukw’tul ‘i’ nilh ni’ shkw’akw’ums tthu sulsuli’tst.
Cowichan Peoples have existing inherent rights. Cowichan as the original Peoples of this territory within which the Cowichan Watershed is included continue the right and responsibility to make informed decisions to manage and organize based on our history and continued connections. As told through time by our ancestors; the lands, waters, seas, minerals, air and all elements interconnected within the territories provided for and can provide a good sustainable life for Cowichan Peoples. Cowichan has never given away this right and continue to govern and make decisions to support the well-being and sustainability of our Peoples and territories.
Governance Documents
- CWB Governance Manual Version 3 - 24 Sep 2018 (2024 update under review by the partners currently)
- Pathways and Partnerships: A Framework for Collaboration and Reconciliation in the Cowichan Watershed, September 2018
Board meetings are normally the last Monday of every month. The public is welcome to attend all meetings. Check the agenda to see if the meeting is in person or online, and request login links/help if needed. Agendas, minutes, and materials for board meetings are posted by date here:
CWB members and guests learn about X'pey (Cedar) from a Quw'utsun youth. Cowichan River, July 2024. (Photo: Graham Twomey)
The Cowichan Watershed Board gratefully acknowledges the financial support of these organizations:
- Cowichan Tribes
- Bonneville Environmental Fund (BEF)
- Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF)
- Watershed Security Fund (BC) BC
- Ministry of the Environment