Calvin Swustus Sr –Swutth’tus, Cowichan Tribes Councillor
Calvin is from the Village of Kwa’mutsun, has lineage to the villages of Lhumlhumuluts, Qwum’yiqun, Xinupsum, Malahat, and Katzie. Calvin has four siblings.
He graduated school in 1975 and spent two years working in Silviculture. In 1978, Calvin joined the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and was decorated with the RCMP Long service and Good Conduct Medal. Calvin was decorated by the National Indigenous Veterans Association and is a recipient of the Premiers Award Promoting Innovation and Excellence.
Calvin was first elected as a Cowichan Tribes Councillor in 1995 and has served 26 years as an elected official. He has developed a recognized Restorative Justice Program for Cowichan Tribes, developed Justice programs by networking with the local and neighboring Law and Justice agencies. He has various portfolio committees, along with Cowichan Tribes Treaty, Cowichan Tribes Elder Treaty committee, Cowichan Nation Alliance committee, Child Law Legislation, Education, Health, Khowutzun Development Corporation. The full list is available here. He was appointed to the Cowichan Watershed Board in 2024.