Once the CWB's targets were set, the CWB sought out knowledgeable representatives from local stewardship groups, government agencies, industry and the Cowichan Tribes First Nation to guide and implement the targets. Working groups coalesced around each target.
These committees represent most of the major partners working in this area, including a mix of staff and volunteer members. They share the whole-of-watershed thinking, crossing jurisdictional lines to support the good of the watershed and community. Initially, there was a working group for each target. However, for added efficiency, some working groups merged to cover two to three interrelated targets.
The working groups stay connected and support each other through the TAC, CWB meetings, and CWB’s executive director, who sits on each working group.
Fish & Flows | CWB (Tim Kulchyski, Tom Rutherford), Cowichan Tribes (Tim), CVRD (Kate Miller), BC Min. Forests (Mike McCulloch), Fisheries and Oceans Canada (Kevin Pellett), Friends of Cowichan River (Joe Saysell), Catalyst Mill (Brian Houle), Mosaic (Dave Belleznay), BC Conservation Foundation (Jeramy Damborg), Cowichan Lake and River Stewardship Society (Parker Jefferson), Koksilah Working Group (Sarah Davies-Long), Somenos Marsh Wildlife Society (Paul Gowland), Other (Cheri Ayers). |
Water Quality and Estuarine Health | CWB (Tim Kulchyski), Cowichan Tribes (Tim), CVRD (Kate Miller, Vanessa Thomson), BC Min. Environment (Rosie Barlak), Cowichan Estuary Nature Centre (Pamela Williams), BC Conservation Fdn (Thea Rodgers), Cowichan Estuary Restoration and Conservation Assoc. (Bill Heath), Koksilah Working Group (Rodger Hunter), Somenos Marsh Wildlife Society (Gina Hoar), Municipality of North Cowichan (Dave Preikshot), Nature Trust of BC (Tom Reid), Other (Cheri Ayers). |
Riparian Habitats | CWB (Alison Nicholson), Cowichan Tribes (Tracy Fleming) CVRD (Tanya Soroka), BC Parks (Katy Fulton), Cowichan Stewardship Roundtable (Genevieve Singleton), Mosaic (David Vey), Cowichan Estuary Nature Centre (Jane Kilthei), BC Conservation Foundation (Jeramy Damborg), Cowichan Lake and River Stewardship Society (Jean Atkinson), Koksilah Working Group (Alison Nicholson), Somenos Marsh Wildlife Society (Paul Gowland), Municipality of North Cowichan (Dave Preikshot), Stewardship Center BC – Green Shores (Kelly Loch), Coastal Invasive Species Committee (Jessica Bayley). |
Watershed Connections | CWB (Stuart Pagaduan, Jill Thompson), Cowichan Tribes (Hilda Paige, Cheyenne Williams), CVRD (Tanya Soroka), BC Parks (Katy Fulton), Cowichan Valley Naturalists (Bruce Coates), Cowichan Estuary Nature Centre (Jane Kilthei), Cowichan Community Land Trust (Stephanie Cottell), VI Recreational Paddling Assoc. (Rick Bryan), Cowichan Lake and River Stewardship Society (Judy Brayden), Koksilah Working Group (Scott Noble), Somenos Marsh Wildlife Society (Barry Hetschko), Xwulqw’selu Connections (Jennifer Shepherd), Wildsafe BC (Todd Carnahan) |
WORKING GROUP MEMBER SPACE (under development - this space will be a password protected area for working group members to share documents between themselves.)
Working group members, please click on the links above to access your working group documents. These pages are password protected. If you are having trouble with the password, please contact [email protected].
Related Documents
Cowichan Watershed Board - Targets Presentation-TomRutherford-07Jul2011