Twinned Watersheds Project:
Fish Habitats
Salmon are a good measure of watershed health.
This project enabled robust research, lead by Geomorphic Consulting in collaboration with local scientists and field crews, to determine the necessary water levels and habitat conditions for salmon and other species to thrive, or at least survive, in the Koksilah and Chemainus Rivers.
Throughout the summer of 2021, as water levels dropped, field crews walked the two rivers to monitor how various habitats were impacted by declining flow rates. Pool, riffle, and glide habitats were inventoried to see if there was enough water for fish – specifically juvenile Coho and Steelhead fry, and returning adult Chinook.
See the Documents section on this page to download the peer reviewed study results or an Executive Summary.
Access the full Habitat Atlas that was generated by this project here, or see the map-sets on this page.
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