CWB 2019 Annual Report – Final
The year 2019 marked a year of firsts that no one ever wanted to see:
- The Cowichan River became dependent upon “life support” for three weeks this summer, with electric pumps drawing down water in Cowichan Lake to keep the river flowing.
- Farmers in the Koksilah watershed were legally restricted from irrigating forage crops for the first time due to critically low water flows, under the authority of BC’s new Water Sustainability Act.
- Governments across Canada, including here in Cowichan Region, declared a state of emergency in recognition of the dire need for action on climate change.
Times like these test the resilience and effectiveness of organizations to pursue their mandates under stress. Occasionally they also open doors as the need for that mandate becomes
more apparent to others.
As you will read in the pages that follow, the Cowichan Watershed Board is working hard to leverage those
opportunities collaboratively, in partnership, for the long-term health of the Cowichan and Koksilah watersheds.
We look forward to what we will achieve together in the decade to come.
With respect,
Your Cowichan Watershed Board Co-chairs,
Chief William Seymour
Cowichan Tribes First Nation
Chair Aaron Stone
Cowichan Valley Regional District